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Zen Calligraphy Intensive

Thirteenth Annual International
Zen Calligraphy Intensive
April 1-7, 2024
Kazuaki Tanahashi
with Christine Renden Haggarty 

Please join with a community of calligraphers in the transformative practice combining brushwork, meditation and the creative process, near one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Daily activities will include meditation, readings of Zen texts, presentations on the history of East Asian calligraphy and Qigong. You will practice with formal, semi-cursive, and cursive characters as well as their artistic interpretations during studio time.  You will learn how to paint your favorite phrases, then mount your calligraphy for display. You will experiment with brushes and paper of different sizes, painting with black ink and watercolors. Kaz Sensei will work with participants to develop their own artistic names.

The intensive will be held at Mercy Center, an internationally known conference and retreat center near San Francisco Airport. A former convent on 40 acres, Mercy Center is an oasis of quiet, contemplative living.

Kazuaki Tanahashi is a world renowned calligrapher, painter, Zen scholar, author, and translator of Buddhist texts including
works by Zen Master Dogen. Also a peace activist and a Fellow of the World
Academy of Art and Science. 

To register contact Christine  at to be placed on the list of participants.  to be placed on the list of participants.  Prior to Dec. 1, 2023 (early registration) the cost is $1800 for a single room, fully inclusive of lodging, meals, tuition, and materials. After Dec. 1, 2023, the cost is $1900 fully inclusive. Deposits (half of the total fee - $900) should be received by December 1, 2023. For more information and a tentative schedule, The workshop is limited to 25 participants.

For a detailed listing of daily activities go to